India…Kochi, India…Oh how I’ve been waiting so patiently to meet you, India.
Senses absolutely wide open…heart open….soul open…mind wide open to anything and everything that is about to happen at this moment in time.
No thoughts clouding my mind… no worries or distractions…nothing negative around me whatsoever. Surrounded by chaos yet I feel so at ease and calm…everything about this experience is supposed to happen it couldn’t feel more accurate at this moment in time. Hopping in a local taxi (Indian Ricksha Service)…with Babu our amazing driver…and with my beautiful in every aspect friend, Brianna….We have no idea what we are about to experience but we know its so right and we will have the time of our lives. Cackling, gasping for air laughing in so much excitement and thrill getting driven around by Babu’s Ferarri…oh my dear.
Weaving in and out of traffic; busses, cars, bikes, people, goats and even those holy cows…it doesn’t matter, nothing is stopping us nothing is blocking us in any way. India is at our fingertips and Babu is sure to show us a fine time…to say the least I suppose.
We are getting driven around everywhere and I’m really thoroughly soaking every bit of every feeling in knowing that I’m in such a happy, healthy, amazing place right now in this moment in my life. I’m completely in touch with my feelings and am solely doing what makes me happy. I’m laughing so much more these days…smiling…sharing my energy with people around me and touching souls with my eyes. Doing what feels right…and I know all of this is spot on. Pulling up to the best Indian liquor spot getting served this local alcohol made from coconut called …as well as little bar snacks (anchovies, tuna with delectable spices and tapioca).
It all was so exceptional and again felt so right. There’s really something about India that I felt so at home. As much commotion there was going on it didn’t matter to me in anyway I just knew everything was going to be wonderful.
Normally for me…if I’m in a place where there’s insane traffic I feel a bit uneasy in a sense…or my stomach tightens up, but today….today was so different. I suppose I just knew it would all be okay. It just really blows my mind for how comfortable I felt…Brianna was very calm as well..and we’re still smiling so big it hurts our faces. Beautiful and absolutely lovely. My goodness after we finished our traditional coconut alcohol that is supposed to make us fly…we continued onward. Thee Babu himself took us to his restaurant, Salt and Pepper…we meet his cute little dog and head into his place.
There we met a couple of his friends and then we began our Indian/American dance party! Ahh! It was all so fantastic! Feeling so free and alive and embracing every bit of the moment around the right people expressing ourselves in whatever way we feel.
Alright so we’re still on our journey…Everywhere we turn I’m seeing so many different, new, fun things going on.
Children playing cricket in the park, cows and goats wandering the streets, vendors making crafts or making food…then I asked babu to take us to the fishing area; where the locals are fishing in the most old fashion way ever…see for yourself. It’s really not the same unless you've experienced it with your own eyes, but I suppose you can give it a try and see how you’ll enjoy the sights. ; )
After we made our appearance to the fishing area we boogied on over to this incredibly aromatic organic spice shop…wow oh wow wow. I took the largest and most intense breath in through my nose and my senses exploded into this wild array of refreshing smell of such a variety of spices. I had never imagined something so exhilarating and honestly at this point in the day I was feeling so high and sensational and it wasn’t even noon yet! Who knew the day would already be so invigorating?! From the spice shop we coincidentally met up with another friend, Amy, and we headed to another spice area…this time there were even more barrels and boxes and everything full of spices. I was so happy in this moment in time…again and again…the day honestly just continued to get better.
Then of course us three free spirited young women couldn’t fight the urge to bust out a photo shoot in this old rustic warehouse with a peak of light sneaking through the roof…enjoy these photos…because we couldn’t refuse the opportunity of the backdrop by any means!
Natural sunlight is one of the purest beauties witnessed by the eye, and when captured in the right moment it all comes alive.
Once we finished the ultimate photo shoot done by Babu…we carried on because unfortunately we were on a time limit and needed to get back to the ship so we could pick up a few more fantastic people to make the experience even more memorable. So Babu waited for our return at the port with 3 extra bodies…he rounded up two other Ricksha Ferrari drivers and we made the best of everything. We were taken to this hotel for lunch called ATS Hotel…nothing what I expected; but to be honest I had zero expectations of India…like I said before I went full force into everything open minded to the fullest. I had zero desire to even glance at the menu I was willing to try anything and everything…so bring it on! So Babu just ordered from his buddies a few different entrĂ©e’s of some chicken marsala and a few other things I was unfamiliar with but again, it didn’t matter. All delicious foods eating it with my fingers…unfortunately there was no Indian nan bread there but still plenty of curry and it all tasted so fantastic.
Before I forget I must inform you the Brianna and I were both lucky enough to drive our Ricksha…haha ohhh my goodness what an experience that was. Things that I’ve done now never cease to amaze me and saying that I’ve driven on the streets of India just really blows my mind. It’s all quite surreal and this is such a fantasy world I’m living in.
Once we finished our ethnic meal our drivers took us to this jewelry/rug/souvenir shop and my goodness what a surprise I encountered there. Just wandering around taking a gander at everything in front of me knowing I couldn’t afford 90% of the beautiful treasures they had there I still appreciated what they had to offer. I was looking at this particular sculpture/creation and from afar this polite, intelligent, sharp-spoken young man was explaining what it symbolized and wanted to show me a handful of the same sculptures, just different sizes. So his assistant came behind the counter holding a simple white cloth as this man was perfectly placing these figures side by side…and knowing me not really sure why he was doing this. So I curiously asked the gentleman “So what is is exactly I’m looking for?” I am sort of looking at these figures with my head tilted to the side not knowing if they were going to fly off of the white cloth…he confidently replied with tact and perfect annunciation “The beauty of the sculptures, ma’am.” I was in awe not only at the beauty of the sculptures but also the way that this man was speaking to me in every intonation…it was so perfect and intelligent and so attractive and completely caught me off guard. He then proceeded to ask if there was anything else I was interested in in his lovely store…so I told him I’d love to try some gold jewelry on. Okay okay so Brianna and I got swooped into the jewelry area as he asked one of the women to get some tea for the two of us. Trying on every piece of old jewelry of ruby and sapphire…as this man and I continue to exchange shy yet flirty looks…I was smitten and it was obvious. Such a refreshing feeling to exchange such fun, flattering looks to somebody else who feels the same. It’s what keeps some people alive, that’s certain. So of course Brianna insisted to take pictures of the two of us and he tried to be so proper and smart but then when he whipped his phone out to get a couple of the two of us he just slapped his arm around me and gave the biggest smile ever. Ahh I’m having the time of my life!!
We headed on our way back to the ship…I was so sad to leave in such a short amount of time spent in Kochi, India…it honestly was one of my top destinations I have visited. Of course every place has something so different to offer but it really was such a breath of fresh air and I know I will be back in the area something in the near future. We will see…only time will tell…and anything can happen.
Exchanging goodbyes to Babu was strangely enough so painful and tough…he was sad you could see it and we all said we would NEVER forget this experience and we will never forget Babu! Definitely one of the most outstanding experiences I’ve ever encountered in an entire day. See you again real soon India, Babu and Sahil.