May-June 24 2011. I began my 14-day Alaskan cruises…I had never been to Alaska before and I had no idea what to expect or even imagine. We did the same 14 day cruise through Alaska…I did three cruises and my contract of nine months was completed.
Ketchikan, Alaska
Ketchikan was very pretty…the weather was phenomenal
for us for the time of year. Aris and I set foot on our own little wandering adventures, like usual….just to see what we could get into. Mountains all around…the air was crisp…tasted some smoked salmon, since it is of course the salmon capital of the world! I did forget to mention I also went on a lone hike here in Ketchikan, it was just lovely. Originally there was going to be a group of us…but some of the bums bailed on me, I think someone was sick..but I still needed to get my mountain fix….and so I did.
Tracy’s Arm
Oh my goodness and then we moved onto Tracy Arm which is a fjord near Juneau…and absolutely blew me away with absolute pristine beauty. This was scenic cruising through the fjord’s of Tracy’s Arm.
I was in complete awe of this purity I was experiencing all through Alaska…there isn’t any other place similar to it that I had traveled to in all the world travels. I have heard it is very similar to Antarctica, which I have yet to travel to and experience.
There were waterfalls coming out of the mountains…which I had never seen before either.
My dear Alaska, you truly amaze me. Stay that way…beautiful, bright special part of the country.
Juneau, Alaska
Violeta and I took a tram ride in Juneau up onto the top of the mountains….WHOA. Hello, Gorgeous! (the mountain, too) Every time we were in Juneau, there were three or four other cruise ships there as well. First of course we went into one of the infamous coffee shops, Kaladi Brothers…to get our silly addicting espresso fix…I think Violeta spilled her coffee all
over her as well..and she was quite pleased with that. ha. Anyhow…we got our coffee fix and free wifi fix, and off to the tram we went. Once we got to the top of the mountain
there was the creepiest visitor, ever. I’m not really keen on people or stuffed animals dressed with big heads and fake cotton fur all over them…it really just give me the heebie-jeebies! But I took a picture of him anyway.
Boy did the sunshine feel amazing on my face! Being on the cruise ship for such a period of don’t always
get exposed to the sunshine, especially when we’re soaring through Alaska. So this was just divine getting sunshine poured all over us. Delightful..yes, please! Violeta and I were soaking every bit of sunshine, bliss and purity we could at this moment in time. It was always so refreshing getting off the cruise ship and wandering off on our own to get our own space and take a breather from ship life and pretend we’re halfway “normal”. I was wearing down and trying to keep my positivity…but really, I was getting quite burnt out from being on the ship for almost nine months now.
Ahhh V…you are so beautiful….inside and out my crazy fancy Macedonian…you are THE BEST!! Keep telling yourself and others that, hahah. You crazy girl.I miss you all the time…See you sometime in the USA or if I’m able to come to your country…someday I know we will meet again, because you have to be my makeup and outfit artist when I model someday! I came back to the ship after my morning/afternoon with Fancy V….and hopped off the ship again with Aristotle. We, too, just kind of wandered around the ship and all around Juneau…walking the streets, making jokes, just enjoying the views and company. Juneau was filled with very interesting people…not that there aren’t other interesting people
around the world….I just feel as though people from Alaska are so different from other parts of the world. It’s hard to explain…people are quirky, interesting, down to earth and just lovely, for the most part. And here is the lovely MS Amsterdam and me in Juneau.
Icy Strait Point, Alaska
To be honest, I never got off the ship in Icy Strait Point…All of the spa was always working because it was such a short amount of time we spent there. But I can tell you some fun facts about this location. Did you know…Icy Strait Point, Alaska is where the world’s largest zip-line is located!? 5,330 feet long, 1,300 foot vertical drop, 60 mph maximum speed, 300 feet highest point from ground, 1.5 minute ride time! WHOA. I heard it’s pretty cool…but its only 90 seconds long. There you go, you learned something new.
Anchorage, Alaska
Ohh my goodness…Anchorage changed my insides…
explosions of bliss and happiness ready or not, here I shall expose you! If you ever get a chance to experience Anchorage…you must and I mean must do two things….one..visit the lovely folks over at Side Street Espresso…you will be enlightened with these wonderful journals visitors and passerby’s have written in…whether it’s a story, a thought, their morning routine or just pure art…it was such a pleasant moment to share with the people there…and of course you have to make an addition
to one of the journals…as you can see this one is dated 1997! Lovely, just lovely. The second thing you must experience is a bike ride through the bike trail in Anchorage…it wrap around a beautiful little pond
where you may witness a moose or two, but I wouldn’t get too close to those buggers…they aren’t the friendliest creatures…but they’re so
bold. I was in absolute awe while Violeta and I were pedaling along just with the fresh air all around us and just laughing enjoying Alaska to the fullest! It’s almost as though I was completely high. I was so high on life and just swimming in all of the beauty Alaska had to offer me…I was taking it all in and loving every bit of it. Okay just for the clarification…this picture I took of Violeta, I took on the first try she jumped off the bench…
but for her to take my picture the same…it
literally took TEN tries for her to get me in the air…hahah oh V, you are special with the camera. Oh well, we had fun and I won’t forget her talent with the camera…ever.
Homer, Alaska
Homer put the quirk in quirky. What an interesting little town….very small in size…and the most interesting of places. We went to yet another coffee shop…this was a very interesting coffee shop…again the people are very interesting. Aris and I got free tickets into town from other guests from the ship, so that was very nice of them and saved us a few dollars.
Kodiak, Alaska
The couple times I was in Kodiak…I only went off the ship by myself. One morning I quickly got ready and jumped off the ship for a fresh air run and I do recall I was jamming to Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen…yes, this means I was screaming the lyrics while running/walking around the island of Kodiak. I don’t know that I took any pictures in Kodiak…but I did go to one of the only coffee shops in town and I did write this…
22 May 2011 Here I am…in Kodiak Island, Alaska…Harborside Coffee & Goods…outside it’s wet and rainy but I’m finding so much peace about it. After traveling all around the world in the last 9 months…and being tremendously overwhelmed by everything I just experienced. Having some beautiful, heated weather and nomadic I haven’t been able to process really everything that has occurred.
*Process…Every destination I traveled to.
*manage…my emotions and character.
*deal with…the challenges I’m faced with everyday.
*treat…myself with respect…everyday.
*digest…the reasons why I was placed here was for a valid reason.
*absorb…everything that I’ve experienced in the last year.
*take in…
*understand…everything happens for a reason.
*accept…God and love Him.
*comprehend…that I’ve been to 6 Continents. Asia-Australia-Africa-Europe-North America-South America
*embrace…every experience I’m believed to learn valuable messages from.
Oh what to do what to do…33 days remaining on this lovely and elegant-looking cruise ship. I always feel so free and fresh and open while I’m on land…Again I have no idea what’s going to happen next with my life. I’m trying to play things out in my head and visualize what could come about…but for once I really have no idea. I just know I shall send out positive healthy energy and good things shall be sent my way.I love going back to the ship and having a potent mind. “What are you waiting for…what do you have to lose.” I feel a vast majority of the people in Alaska are angelic and always calm and peaceful. So warm and charming…
I’m so happy.
I am very pleased where I am in life at this moment in time. I love speaking with older individuals. So much wisdom and so many stories to share. I just love speaking with people…and learning everything.
Hubbard Glacier
Wow….glaciers…holy moly. These bad boys are absolutely marvelous in every way possible. So beautiful…again and pristine! Again, I have never seen anything like this before.
To cruise through here as delicately as a 1600 passenger cruise ship is able to…we went through here so peacefully and it was magnificent!
Sitka, Alaska
This was another port none of us spa junkies were able to get off the ship…we were all working, unless you earned some incentives for extra hours you could get off the ship. No go for any of us. But Sitka was so pretty from afar and from just being on the ship. Me trying to explain it doesn’t do any justice. Enjoy the views m’loves.
CANADA! Yes! Very shocking, I know…I run off the ship with Aristotle. We were a good travel team…we were both very laid back and easy going and we usually did whatever either of us wanted to do. Granted, most places we went to neither of us had ever traveled to so it was always something new and exciting. Oh my goodness, okay….The Cactus Club restaurant/bar is located in Victoria, BC and Vancouver, BC…Vancouver is where I had my cruise ship interviews and a met a dear friend, Michelle D’Ambrosia…and she is pretty much amazing. Anyhow, flashback real quick…Michelle and I were the only American’s at the interviews and so automatically we hit it off and
decided to take on Vancouver and wander around…well long story short, we ended up finding out we both got the job to go to training in London for the cruise ship
international fitness coordinator position, so of course I needed to document my sightings in Victoria!
As we were walking around we saw the Empress Castle.
We saw some lovely totem poles as well!
We were just total goofs in Victoria…actually most of the time we would ever spend time together we were compete goofballs.
We sure did have fun times though. I still look at pictures and laugh like crazy just from the memories. Aris, you crazy boy! “Are you ashamed?!” Good times!
Also while I was off the ship another time by myself in Victoria, I think Aristotle had finished his contract and I was there for a cruise on my own without him..and I went for a nice run off the ship again…there was a pier right off the ship that you could run on…so I did a great workout from that. Also I did find this journal entry I’d like to share.Alaska and Victoria is AMAZING.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
LOOOK AT THE STARS…LOOK HOW THEY SHINE FOR YOU….and everything you do…they were all yellow. I came along I wrote a song for you…and all the things you do…and it was called yellow.
AHHHH yesss I just went for a delicious RUN in Victoria, BC…stunning. I presented myself a surrendered to the world. Letting go. Letting go is a process…I’ve let go…from here on out I’m being completely true and honest with myself. Must take care of myself…my soul…my head…my heart…everything.
I’m so happy. I feel high. I did a fantastic exercise blast… ran along the ocean…my lungs are open and cleared up… squats, push ups, high kicks and punches…kissed the sunset…danced to the fish and the sky. I am beautiful. “meow’”
I’m content. Going to have the best last 14 day Alaskan cruise that I’m capable of…no distractions…putting myself out there entirely and completely. Give it my absolute BEST. Nothing Less than the BEST. …because ultimately, I DO deserve the BEST!
Such an amazing experience all of this was! <3 Onto the next adventures…let’s turn the page in this book of my journey throughout life.
Cheers and Happiness,
Jenna Margaret Hughes
International Fitness Coordinator
MS Amsterdam September 2010-June 2011