Once we pulled into Turkey after a nice hard workout...I ventured off the ship to a very uncommonly known coffee shop...Starbucks...I yanked the free internet and contacted some loved ones from home for a bit before I met up with Brianna. One of the unfortunate things on the ship is the cost of internet access or phone access...it costs a bit to actually try to contact people from home so I took advantage of free internet access off of the ship.
The popular thing that was buzzing all around the ship before pulling into Turkey was the Turkish Bath...unfortunately I was unable to participate in this experience. What occurs in the experience you ask? Well...basically from what I've gathered, it is similar to a steam room/sauna where you can either go full nude or with your bathing suit on and somebody washes your body as well as receive a massage. Turkish baths are a method of cleansing the body and relaxation.
So instead I went to this lovely restaurant/bar with this gentleman and his friend ended up owning it and treated us to a cappuccino for me and a beer for him...as well as this beautiful fruit platter. It was really such a pleasant experience spending time with some of the local Turkish men.
Oh my goodness and one thing I forgot to mention...the title of this entry...Turkish coffee??
AHHH. Strongest most intense type of coffee, EVER. I think maybe you could compare it to something like a 'depth charge' here in the states. Anyhow...Brianna and I ordered one at Starbucks that was paid for by our dear friend, Raddy, may he Rest In Peace.
Here is the luxury and oh so elegant cruise ship I was placed on. Ms Amsterdam with Holland America Line. I wandered off the ship further and went for a nice refreshing, cleansing walk and this was a nice view of the ship I needed to capture.
I would love to come back to Turkey and explore more into it and possibly go to Ephesus...which was quite the hot spot to travel to I hear. XO Cheers & Love.
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