Friday, September 17, 2010

This is Mental.

Well just nearing the end of my 12th day of training academy...this is just absolutely astounding and so mind blowing. Those are the closest words I will get to describing everything that is being poured into every bit of this experience. I am being challenged in ways I had never imagined.
There have been countless laughs, teaspoons of tears, loads of sweat and plenties of determinination. I want this more than anything in the world for my dreams to come true...and I know...I know! i will get this IF i earn it...and IF i show everybody, including myself that I want it bad enough and I will do anything and everything to make this happen. To be an International Fitness Instructor on board luxury cruise ships.

Today was a test to my mental capacity...oh yes it certainly was. I presented a seminar in front of the class and in front of our ever so amazing instructor...It went alright. I must say...I really have no idea what i spoke about, I remember drawing a couple important points on the white board and talking about exercise, nutrition and detox...I did remember my name...and i smiled just like I always do. I did it. I just now need to do more of it and practice practice and get constructive I can apply it to my weaknesses and so then I can excel in my passion of helping people.

Being away and completely out of my comfort zone is really all right...I'm with an outstanding group of peers and we're all so supportive of one another and really want the best for each other. We 'hug it out' when needed...and we mean it all. We really all pull for each other. This experience is wilder than anything I've ever done...a typical day of classes we start at 8:45am...and we're in class usually until 1030pm...then we still have 3+ hours of homework on top of that.

So my days really never a result...i've been having wild dreams... The other night I dreamt of my dad and I in a high speed car chase all around some country...we were flying around driving like a maniac...and while dad was driving i was reciting my nutrition seminar to the T. haha I remained calm and in control and very confident...I suppose whenever I have a seminar to present I should apply those feelings to my nerves. Mental toughness is what the focus shall remain.
I anticipate the day my speeches to buoy with fire and passion...until then I shall remain authentic and true to my own self...then my words will have confidence.
So here I stay proud...with dignity and perserverence...this is my life...and i WILL make this happen. My hands and eyes and soul are wide open to the journey that lies before me.

Smile often, folks...maintain and gain that mental toughness that we all need in this challenging, yet beautiful life.




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  3. I LOVE <<(capatilized) that you are working so hard for what you want. Hopefully it will show others that hard work pays off. Your hard work will pay off soon and I am excited for you!! :D
